why I changed my mind about email marketing

Why I Changed My Mind About Email Marketing

Tammy Durden, Business Coach
8 min readFeb 28, 2024

No discussion about marketing would be complete without email marketing. It took me many years to get on board with email marketing. I did not think email marketing was worth investing time let alone money into it. This was because, at the time, most of my clients came through social media or referrals. Let me tell you why I changed my mind about sending email marketing campaigns and some help for yours.

Why I Changed My Mind

I learned how wrong I was when I did a S.C.O.R.E Webinar years ago while I was still a Virtual Assistant. The Changing Roles of VAs had almost 1200 people signing up for my email list. I was not ready and suddenly wondered what I was going to do with all of these names.

So, when I did another webinar nearly a year later called Scaling By Outsourcing, I was a little more prepared when my list went to over 2,000. I was still not emailing regularly. It was after this webinar, I decided it was time I really made use of these lists and I began emailing at least once a month. It was a game-changer!

Let me share a few things I have discovered over the last several years about email marketing.

Why Should I Do Email Marketing At All



Tammy Durden, Business Coach

Hello, I love empowering women service based businesses to create, grow, or scale your business to fit your lifestyle not a life dictated by your business.